Thursday, August 28, 2008

Simple Steps - Potty Train A Puppy

Housebreaking Tips - Easy Steps To Dog Training

When I bought my new little two month old Maltese puppy, it seemed like it didn't matter how often I took her was never enough. But here were a few things I didn't reakize, that would have helped me understand the new little love of my life.

Some Toilet Facts About Puppies

- Puppies’ bladders and bowels are so small and weak that they have only a very small window of opportunity between knowing that they need to go, and having that need become an immediate reality. Because of this, it’s imperative that you take her outside as soon as she wakes up (she’ll let you know she needs to go out by pawing the door and whining), and within ten minutes of eating or playing. But understand if you play too hard, or too long with your new little dog, she may forget...and only have enough time to squat...TOO LATE!!

- Behaviors that indicate she needs to go outside include sniffing the ground and circling. Again, because she’s only little, she won’t exhibit these warning signs for very long – so as soon as she starts, GET READY TO DART!. Better an unnecessary trip to the yard than an unnecessary wet patch (or pile) on the carpet!

- The maximum amount of time that a puppy can be crated at one time is figured out using the following equation: her age in months, plus one. So, a three-month old puppy can be crated for a maximum of four hours. However, this is likely to be physically pretty uncomfortable for her (not to mention hard on her emotionally and psychologically: it’s tough being cramped up with nothing to do), so you should really take her out at least once every two hours during the day. If she’s sleeping, of course, just let her sleep until she wakes up naturally.

Pretty interesting facts that helped me out, once I heard about them. But yhis is just the tip of the iceberg. For a more indepth look at house training, as well as a great deal of useful information on canine behavioral problems and the most effective training techniques, check out The Ultimate House Training Guide. It’s the complete dog-house-training guide.

More Information On House Breaking A Dog

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