Thursday, August 28, 2008

Housebreaking Tips For You And Your Dog

How To Potty Train Your Puppy - House Train Poodles

When a new puppy arrives in the house, it’s an exciting time for everyone. In order for the homecoming to proceed as smoothly as possible, it’s a good idea to spend a little bit of time in preparation. One of the major challenges of dog ownership (particularly for first-time owners) is the issue of house training. If you equip yourself with some the knowledge needed and a positive attitude, it’s a lot easier than most people make it out to be.

As soon as you bring the puppy home, take her outside. The excitement of the car journey coupled with the unfamiliar faces, sights, and sounds will have her needing to go anyway – and if you can orchestrate her first toilet break so that it occurs outside, instead of inside, then so much the better. And not just from the perspective of short-term hygiene, either – the more your puppy relieves herself inside, the more likely she is to do it again. You choose the environment for the dog...not the other way around.

Here are some great rules to follow, following the homecoming of your new puppy... Take her to your designated toilet area, and put her down on the grass...Wait while she sniffs around – refrain from petting her or playing with her just yet, because you don’t want her to forge an association between this area and games. She has to learn that this part of the yard is for toilet breaks only. When she begins to relieve herself, say the phrase you want her to associate with toilet breaks: “Go pee pee” or “potty time” or whatever you feel comfortable saying (even in a public place, because that time will come as well). It’s best if that phrase is short and easily recognizable, and use the same voice inflection each time, too (so that your dog can easily memorize the meaning of the phrase.)

When she’s done going potty, make a big fuss over her, give her praise and affection, and give her a little treat. But as soon as you take your new dog inside the house, the house training technique you’ve decided upon should start immediately.

What means of potty training works the best? As far as house training goes, crate training is generally accepted to be the most effective and efficient means of house training a puppy in a short period of time. How does crate training work? Crate-training is essentially the use of a small indoor kennel (the crate) to confine your young puppy when you’re not actively supervising her. This training is based on all dogs’ inherent dislike of soiling the area where they sleep. Because you’re restricting your puppy’s movement to her sleeping space, she’ll instinctively “hold it in” until she’s let out of the crate (provided you don’t leave her in there too long, of course!)

For this reason it is important that the crate is sized properly. If it’s too big, she’ll be able to use one end as a bed and one end as a toilet...she just created her new home!! Which defeats the whole purpose of the crate! All of the housebreaking methods are explained to you in great detail, if you would like to invest in your new puppy's happiness. I realize a new puppy can be very expensive with the cost of vet shots needed in their first few months. But this investment will be well worth it, when your new little dog uses God's green carpet outside, instead of your new living room carpet.

Click Here For More Information On House Breaking My Puppy

Anything To Do With Dogs!!

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